Lc23 Fire of Valladolid



September 21 of 1561

The five flames of the shield of Valladolid allude to the fire that destroyed the city. The fire started on September 21 of 1561, the feast of the festivity Saint Matthew, it started from the house of the silversmith Juan of Granada, in the street of the Costanilla, now Platerías street. The wind caused the fast spread in various directions, producing the devastation through the streets Corral de la Copera (Conde Ansúrez), Malcocinado (Francisco Zarandona), Especería,

Cebadería until Rinconada where it was stopped, demolishing some houses that acted as firebreaks.

More than 3,000 people, citizens, together with religious people of all orders and people from neighboring villages, fought for fifty hours until the fire was finally controlled on the 23rd. They helped as they could since the resources were scarce. There were 6 people dead and the real number of injured is not known but they were close to 40 persons.

The city council informed King Felipe II of the catastrophe that had occurred, requesting his help to alleviate the damage caused. The king, who had moved the Court to Madrid, received the request from the mayor of the city, Luis de Ossorío, issuing 63 new taxes.

A pioneering Renaissance building emerged, which served as an example for other similar constructions, both inside and outside our country.

In addition to avoiding new fires, a new and important thing was proposed: Every 10 houses it was necessary to build a wide brick wall (which still exists and has come out with the recent works in the current Plaza Mayor) to act as a firebreak.

Álvaro Verdugo

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