Dear Mr. Columbus:
As you know, at the present time the Kingdom of Castile is immersed in the reconquest of the territories occupied by the Muslim enemy. Although the wars are progressing favourably, it is necessary to invest in them a large part of the funds of the kingdom's economy. In addition, my husband Ferdinand's intention to inject more money into the traditional routes to the Indies means more sacrifices for the Crown.
As you rightly say in your letter, recent discoveries point to a round earth, but our religious advisors cast serious doubts on this discovery.
Most of the wealth of our kingdom comes from the collection of taxes and the consolidation of mercantile business with overseas territories, especially the East Indies exploited from the traditional routes. It would be foolish to give up such revenues on a hunch of someone who assumes he can find a shorter route, without any certainty. The Kingdom's funds are now scarcer than ever.
In spite of all these inconveniences and disadvantages, and although I know that my decision will be greatly criticised and will probably cost me more than one displeasure, I am willing to bear the expenses of the wild adventure you propose to me in your epistle. Something inside me tells me that your words are true and I share that wild hunch with you.
For the adventure you propose, I am sure that I will be able to convince the court as well as the Holy Brotherhood of the enormous riches that such a discovery would bring to the Rhine funds. I will therefore try to finance your voyage with a sum of just over 1,000,000 maravedis, enough money for the purchase of 3 caravel ships and the maintenance of some 200 men for a long period of time.
You must understand the risk I run in approving and financing your adventure, so I must offer something in return to my creditors. We must agree a return to the Kingdom on terms that are advantageous to all those who are willing to risk their money and honour to meet the costs of our exploit.
I am sure that the exploit will be a success, for us and for the whole Kingdom. The new route to the Indies will bring times of great economic prosperity that will place Castile at the pinnacle of world power.
I look forward to hearing from you soon to set in motion all the issues related to the financing of this project, we will keep in touch.
Her Majesty, Isabella of Castile
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